Men summer blazer

Your style is an integral part of your identity. The way you dress not only enhances your personality but also plays an important part in the way people perceive you. You must be familiar with the saying 'the first impression is the last impression'. Nowhere does this saying hold truer than in the world of business. As a young businessman, I found out that I was being judged more on the basis of the way I presented myself than the credentials of my company. And of course, dressing well was an essential component of the presentation. The more meetings I had with potential customers the more I felt that my fashion sense was holding me back. Dress shirts and pants weren't cutting it anymore. So, to adapt to my new role as an owner of a growing business I sought out to make certain changes to my wardrobe.
The first thing that I considered, was purchasing formal suits and using them as my daily wear. However, I soon found out that maintaining suits was tough job indeed. As someone who likes to get their hands dirty on the job, it was hard to wear suits day in and day out. When I shared this plight with an acquaintance of mine, he suggested that I head to, from where most people buy men's clothes online India these days and have a look at their collection. Here, I came across with the best quality yet cheapest blazer online in india, which I thought would be a perfect addition to my wardrobe.
Blazers are an incredible garment that combines the sophistication and formal essence of a suit with the casual comfort of a sports jacket. And unlike the suit you don't need a pair of matching trousers to complete the outfit. Thus, one can easily use existing garments in their wardrobe and use it with a blazer to create amazing outfits. The lack of rigidity that is present in a suit can be a great advantage as it is very simple to dress down the blazer for more casual occasions. For example, a blazer when worn with chinos, a tee and a pair of good boots make an incredibly suave semi-formal outfit. The same blazer when worn with a dress shirt, trousers and Oxfords makes a perfect outfit for conducting meetings or any formal event.

Since successfully utilizing a blazer is largely dependent on your existing clothes, one must be smart while purchasing blazers. Neutral colours like black, brown and navy blue can easily blend into your outfits and should be the first preference of individuals buying their first blazers. However, these colours are very common and have a tendency to get boring fast. Fortunately, if one shops online, it is easy to get your hands on a variety of colours and styles. There is a lot of option online when it comes to materials too. Men summer blazer made out of linen can be a fantastic option for anyone who wants to beat the heat without compromising on their identity.


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